Kyle and I went on vacation a few weeks ago (sorry, I am behind on posts as usual) to visit his parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, and cute nieces and nephews.
Our trip started out when we flew into Los Angeles, to make a visit to Kyle's grandparents. We LOVED every second with these sweet people; both whom I quickly grew to love after we got married. This is the Grandpa Robert that we decided to name Hayden ROBERT after.

I LOVE this picture! That same day, we managed to hit the UCLA Hall of Fame, Getty Museum, and had a fun family dinner at Kyle's favorite Mexican restaurant El Torito. Yum!
The next day, we found ourselves out on Santa Monica Pier with the whole crew: Kyle's sister, her beautiful family, and some cousins. It was such a blast watching all the kiddos ride the rides, and to see the boys playing the boardwalk games. This is the only picture I have of us on the pier, and I look awful, but here we are!

The next day of our trip we decided to hit a round of golf- Kyle's grandparents (both in their upper 80's) walk all 18 and go almost every week! What troopers!
I can proudly announce that I played through all 18 holes of golf (with a cart)! It was such a blast. I am still golfing today (at almost 36 weeks), and all I can say is that this little guy ain't stopping me!
The next day, we sadly had to leave Grandpa and Grandma Ambrose. We love them so much and think of them often. Grandpa Ambrose is one of those men that you can't help but love. He always has a positive attitude, has nothing but kind things to say, and loves EVERYONE.
As we drove away in the car that day, I had a quiet confirmation that naming our son after him was the right thing. It was such a inexpressible feeling that I had, just thinking that Hayden was named after one of the best men I will ever know; and that he will hopefully be able to know that for himself one day.
When we got back to the Bay Area, we ended up spending the next couple of days with the rest of Kyle's family; Kyle's brother Scott, his wonderful wife Maren, and their kids. We love these guys. It was fun watching the boys dunk over each other on Scott's hoop in the backyard (Especially when Kyle kicked Scott in the neck... Haha! I swear, when these two are together, we could easily win America's funniest home videos).
Our last day in town, we drove down to Carmel to go to a car show. Kyle was like a kid in a candy store, with

the Ford GT's, Ferrari's, and Lamborghini's. Carmel was beautiful, it was fun to see all the older classics, and the weather was awesome! I could not have asked for a better day. What a great way to end our trip.
I know that this was really summarized and short, but I am trying to catch up, and in the next couple of days you will get a blog on the nursery and how it is coming along (Kyle is currently painting! I am so excited to see the final product!)
I love Kyle's family, always have fun spending time with each member. I feel so fortunate to be so close to each of them, and that each time we go out to see Kyle's parents, we get to see everybody!